Dr. Daniel Wallerstorfer


After university, Daniel founded the Austrian startup Novogenia in 2009 with the help of private investors. The company became profitable in 2013 and continues its profitable growth in the following years.
During the COVID Pandemic, Novogenia quickly became the leading laboratory for SARS-COV-2 testing in Austria, processing up to 275 000 samples per day. At the peak of the pandemic, Novogenia and its associated companies rapidly grew to 1500 employees, demonstrating its ability rapidly scale its analysis and production capabilities in short periods of time.
Besides managerial duties of a CEO, Daniel focuses most of his time on research, development and innovation. Under his direction, Novogenia developed new innovative genetic testing products, personalized supplement and cosmetics technologies and AI systems for genome interpretation.
In 2020, the mother company of Novogenia, DARWIN AG was listed on the Munich stock exchange and began to grow its coverage of the biotech field through investments and acquisitions.
Even though we are already able to deduce incredible things from a human genome, this is just a baby step of what will be possible. In the future we will be able to tell unimaginable things from a persons genetic code, therapies will increase in effectiveness tenfold, we will be able to fix broken genes we are born with and potentially deadly diseases will be completely eradicated. Looking even further into the future, we will see extreme lifespan increases, we will engineer animals and plants with incredible traits to increase efficiency, human health benefits and reduce costs. I want to be at the forefront of all of these developments. This is why DARWIN exists. This is what we will do at DARWIN.
Daniel Wallerstorfer